Open Source Modular MMC for AMCs
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CAPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
 CCONTROL_TypeUnion type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL)
 CCoreDebug_TypeStructure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug)
 CDWT_TypeStructure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT)
 Ci2c_bus_mappingI2C Bus description
 Ci2c_chip_mappingI2C Chips information regarding the bus and slave address
 Ci2c_mux_stateI2C Mux state
 Cipmi_msgIPMI message struct
 Cipmi_msg_cfgIPMI message configuration struct
 CIPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR)
 CITM_TypeStructure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM)
 CLPC_ADC_TypeAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) (ADC)
 CLPC_CAN1_TypeCAN1 controller (CAN1)
 CLPC_CAN2_TypeCAN1 controller (CAN2)
 CLPC_CANAF_TypeCAN controller acceptance filter (CANAF)
 CLPC_CANAFRAM_TypeCAN acceptance filter RAM (CANAFRAM)
 CLPC_CCAN_TypeCentral CAN controller (CCAN)
 CLPC_DAC_TypeDigital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) (DAC)
 CLPC_EMAC_TypeEthernet (EMAC)
 CLPC_GPDMA_TypeGeneral purpose DMA controller (GPDMA)
 CLPC_GPIO_TypeGeneral Purpose I/O (GPIO)
 CLPC_I2C0_TypeI2C bus interface (I2C0)
 CLPC_I2S_TypeI2S interface (I2S)
 CLPC_MCPWM_TypeMotor Control PWM (MCPWM)
 CLPC_PWM1_TypePulse Width Modulators (PWM1) (PWM1)
 CLPC_QEI_TypeQuadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) (QEI)
 CLPC_RITIMER_TypeRepetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) (RITIMER)
 CLPC_RTC_TypeReal Time Clock (RTC) (RTC)
 CLPC_SSP0_TypeSSP controller (SSP0)
 CLPC_SSP1_TypeSSP1 controller (SSP1)
 CLPC_SYSCON_TypeSystem and clock control (SYSCON)
 CLPC_TIMER0_TypeTimer0/1/2/3 (TIMER0)
 CLPC_TIMER1_TypeTimer0/1/2/3 (TIMER1)
 CLPC_TIMER2_TypeTimer0/1/2/3 (TIMER2)
 CLPC_TIMER3_TypeTimer0/1/2/3 (TIMER3)
 CLPC_USB_TypeUSB device/host/OTG controller (USB)
 CLPC_WDT_TypeWatchdog Timer (WDT) (WDT)
 Cmax116xx_cfgMAX11606-MAX11611 configuration struct
 CNVIC_TypeStructure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
 CSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control Block (SCB)
 CSCnSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
 Cssp_configSSP Interface config struct
 CSysTick_TypeStructure type to access the System Timer (SysTick)
 Ct_req_handler_recordIPMI Handler record structure used to index all handlers
 CTPI_TypeStructure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI)
 CxPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR)