Open Source Modular MMC for AMCs
No Matches
LPC_MCPWM_Type Struct Reference

Motor Control PWM (MCPWM) More...

#include <LPC176x5x.h>

Data Fields

__IM uint32_t CON
__OM uint32_t CON_SET
__OM uint32_t CON_CLR
__IM uint32_t CAPCON
__OM uint32_t CAPCON_SET
__OM uint32_t CAPCON_CLR
__IOM uint32_t TC [3]
__IOM uint32_t LIM [3]
__IOM uint32_t MAT [3]
__IOM uint32_t DT
__IOM uint32_t CP
__IM uint32_t CAP [3]
__IM uint32_t INTEN
__OM uint32_t INTEN_SET
__OM uint32_t INTEN_CLR
__IM uint32_t CNTCON
__OM uint32_t CNTCON_SET
__OM uint32_t CNTCON_CLR
__IM uint32_t INTF
__OM uint32_t INTF_SET
__OM uint32_t INTF_CLR
__OM uint32_t CAP_CLR

Detailed Description

Motor Control PWM (MCPWM)

Field Documentation


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CAP[3]

(@ 0x00000044) Capture register


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CAP_CLR

(@ 0x00000074) Capture clear address


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CAPCON

(@ 0x0000000C) Capture Control read address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CAPCON_CLR

(@ 0x00000014) Event Control clear address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CAPCON_SET

(@ 0x00000010) Capture Control set address


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CNTCON

(@ 0x0000005C) Count Control read address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CNTCON_CLR

(@ 0x00000064) Count Control clear address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CNTCON_SET

(@ 0x00000060) Count Control set address


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CON

< (@ 0x400B8000) MCPWM Structure
(@ 0x00000000) PWM Control read address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CON_CLR

(@ 0x00000008) PWM Control clear address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CON_SET

(@ 0x00000004) PWM Control set address

◆ CP

__IOM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::CP

(@ 0x00000040) Communication Pattern register

◆ DT

__IOM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::DT

(@ 0x0000003C) Dead time register


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTEN

(@ 0x00000050) Interrupt Enable read address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTEN_CLR

(@ 0x00000058) Interrupt Enable clear address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTEN_SET

(@ 0x00000054) Interrupt Enable set address


__IM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTF

(@ 0x00000068) Interrupt flags read address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTF_CLR

(@ 0x00000070) Interrupt flags clear address


__OM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::INTF_SET

(@ 0x0000006C) Interrupt flags set address


__IOM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::LIM[3]

(@ 0x00000024) Limit register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::MAT[3]

(@ 0x00000030) Match register

◆ TC

__IOM uint32_t LPC_MCPWM_Type::TC[3]

(@ 0x00000018) Timer Counter register

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: