Open Source Modular MMC for AMCs
No Matches
LPC_RTC_Type Struct Reference

Real Time Clock (RTC) (RTC) More...

#include <LPC176x5x.h>

Data Fields

__IOM uint32_t ILR
__IM uint32_t RESERVED
__IOM uint32_t CCR
__IOM uint32_t CIIR
__IOM uint32_t AMR
__IM uint32_t CTIME0
__IM uint32_t CTIME1
__IM uint32_t CTIME2
__IOM uint32_t SEC
__IOM uint32_t MIN
__IOM uint32_t HRS
__IOM uint32_t DOM
__IOM uint32_t DOW
__IOM uint32_t DOY
__IOM uint32_t MONTH
__IOM uint32_t YEAR
__IOM uint32_t GPREG0
__IOM uint32_t GPREG1
__IOM uint32_t GPREG2
__IOM uint32_t GPREG3
__IOM uint32_t GPREG4
__IOM uint32_t RTC_AUXEN
__IOM uint32_t RTC_AUX
__IOM uint32_t ASEC
__IOM uint32_t AMIN
__IOM uint32_t AHRS
__IOM uint32_t ADOM
__IOM uint32_t ADOW
__IOM uint32_t ADOY
__IOM uint32_t AMON
__IOM uint32_t AYRS

Detailed Description

Real Time Clock (RTC) (RTC)

Field Documentation


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::ADOM

(@ 0x0000006C) Alarm value for Day of Month


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::ADOW

(@ 0x00000070) Alarm value for Day of Week


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::ADOY

(@ 0x00000074) Alarm value for Day of Year


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::AHRS

(@ 0x00000068) Alarm value for Hours


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::AMIN

(@ 0x00000064) Alarm value for Minutes


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::AMON

(@ 0x00000078) Alarm value for Months


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::AMR

(@ 0x00000010) Alarm Mask Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::ASEC

(@ 0x00000060) Alarm value for Seconds


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::AYRS

(@ 0x0000007C) Alarm value for Year



(@ 0x00000040) Calibration Value Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::CCR

(@ 0x00000008) Clock Control Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::CIIR

(@ 0x0000000C) Counter Increment Interrupt Register


__IM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::CTIME0

(@ 0x00000014) Consolidated Time Register 0


__IM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::CTIME1

(@ 0x00000018) Consolidated Time Register 1


__IM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::CTIME2

(@ 0x0000001C) Consolidated Time Register 2


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::DOM

(@ 0x0000002C) Day of Month Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::DOW

(@ 0x00000030) Day of Week Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::DOY

(@ 0x00000034) Day of Year Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::GPREG0

(@ 0x00000044) General Purpose Register 0


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::GPREG1

(@ 0x00000048) General Purpose Register 0


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::GPREG2

(@ 0x0000004C) General Purpose Register 0


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::GPREG3

(@ 0x00000050) General Purpose Register 0


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::GPREG4

(@ 0x00000054) General Purpose Register 0


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::HRS

(@ 0x00000028) Hours Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::ILR

< (@ 0x40024000) RTC Structure
(@ 0x00000000) Interrupt Location Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::MIN

(@ 0x00000024) Minutes Register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::MONTH

(@ 0x00000038) Months Register


__IM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::RESERVED


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::RTC_AUX

(@ 0x0000005C) RTC Auxiliary control register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::RTC_AUXEN

(@ 0x00000058) RTC Auxiliary Enable register


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::SEC

(@ 0x00000020) Seconds Counter


__IOM uint32_t LPC_RTC_Type::YEAR

(@ 0x0000003C) Years Register

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: